
Viser opslag fra august, 2023


Pleroma (the forefield Ness of time) contains 12 spiritual beings arranged in pair: The Golf of destruction and silence creates Horus the first Saviour Mind and truth create salvation, Jesu and the holy spirit Word and life Human and church It's the savior's work to rescue The Gnosticizes soul, Marrie Sophia (wisdom) and bring Her back to Pleroma where female souls will be united with male souls, The Angels.   Zia Winnie xxx Learning the Exoteric  

Artwork by Winnie Herloev

  The Nine - A gift for Queen Margrethe II of Denmark  Zia Winnie xxx

Artwork by Winnie Herloev

 So much Love divided  Zia Winnie xxx

Writing - I am

I am what I am , tired up in a Moni for a least 17 years now. Alone with thoughts pain and feelings without any other support , than a nurse and a beloved son looking after me. How to wake up and realise , that a life with cancer and a little tumor  could make such ravage in One`s life. As it did in my life. All that running around in cirkels where everyone knew, except from me. Because of circumstances - I lost memory ,  which little by little came back and still do , so I today know why they looked at me as a Fool. But they have one excuse . They did not know how come and what happened to me. Zia Winnie xxx

A Poem : Pawn

 Until dawn I been your Pawn A lucky charm  right there  on your arm I will write a name - there not only for fame  that would be a shame In INCK We stay without a stray We will stay forever together until dawn I been your Pawn a lucky charm  right there  on your arm As We care this gonna be a share I will take Us out without a doubt  Out in a never-ending  Universal story where time is more that a Name on an arm with me as the Zia Winnie xxx Pawn.

A Poem : I miss You baby

 I miss you Baby - maybe ... I kiss You - Maybe Baby Happiness is You especially when We - are two Just You and me - Yes joined in Jah - We will go far Strangers connected in - Universal time  to realise - We are One  of a kind We Beat `ed  up - when the Skye was gray  was it Farwell - or good day to an internal dive into You and I Do I dare to be with You to wear the truth despise hidden white lies  whit all of it s ties But it seams - to be the Ruf of You - and Me  We gonna see - wont we  I miss You - Baby Maybe  I kiss You - maybe Baby  Zia Winnie xxx     

A Poem : I am a strong believer

  I am a strong believer in the act of love I been fooling myself by beautiful words and outspoken promises so many times that I can t count them anymore. Then He came around Mon Dio where was the lesson and what did He teach me other that I was not free to be anymore but tired up by his dreams , needs and wishes. The lesson I learned was that I was a giver meanwhile He spoke beautiful words in a promising way and let me pay literarily in mammon as the devil desire the most. So what or who do I want to follow The deception and lust or God s command of love But as and when It comes to Love Jesus winns because He understood the sense of love. to human kind. Zia winnie

A Poem : Some Guy s

  Some Guy`s He came out of the blue just stood there in-front of me face to face looking at me with those sky blue eye`s covered up by smiles and smart but cool talk. Some Guy`s - I just love their ways Some Guy`s - Make me feel loved and cherished Some Guy`s - Deserve a prize for being so nice He invited me for a walk though his life a journey into " never been land " where he tried to show the man he has become what make him smile what made him cry pictures of sunshine though raindrops colourful memories collected with humour and happy moments. Some Guy`s - I just love their ways Some Guy`s - Make me feel loved and cherished Some Guy`s - Deserve a prize for being so nice He tried to give some hope and control over my own life He said that their was love left in this world for all including me We just have to go out grab it when it appears and give love it self a chance for a romance , for a dance. Some Guy`s - I just love their ways Some Gu

Winnie and Davide H B

Wish #Peace xxx #ziawinnie   

Artwork by Winnie Herloev

  My painting Blue Lady - Acryl on Canvas #Ziawinnie 

Artwork by Winnie Herloev

  My painting The Nine - Acryl on Canvas  #ziawinnie 

Artwork by Winnie Herloev

  One of my latest works Acryl on Canvas 2023 xxx #ziawinnie 

Nano Teck

  Internet Games using reel living persons without their knowledge , do you know anything about that issue ? When I was In Hospital in 2019 where the took a CT scanning of my lungs , the scanner went over my head and stayed for half a minute. I looked up and saw that in my forehead there was a Chip and I wondered where it came from. I talked to my nurse about it but no conclusion on the subject. I know in the Danish public system the add a chip behind pacemakers without telling the Patients and some people which has the Chip hear sounds and voices. The same goes fore me. I have been listen to all the say I could though 15 years since Mars 16 2008 where my son left to build his own life , and today I can explain what happens and Who is implied in this. Do you know a Shimazu - Maybe I spelled it wrong but it is a cartoon girl in a internet game with her as the main person. They tell that they have made a game where they hunt and hurt people me included with new technologies as Chips in n

Magnus Olsson: Living with a brain implant (lecture part 2)

Magnus Olsson is blowing our mind away in the speech he held in Stockholm, Sweden, in September 2012. Seven years ago, Magnus became a victim of non-consensual experimentation after having visited a hospital. He was sedated and when he woke up; he couldn’t recognize himself. His personality had changed. On his own homepage (mindcontrol.se) he explains some years ago: “For me, there was a day in life when everything changed. I went from a life as a citizen in a demo map indicative country into a world where violence and torture was the norm. It was not a journey across continents, but in life circumstances. It also included a science fiction drama that completely shattered my life. My name is Magnus Olsson; I am 38 years old, studied economics at the Cesar Ritz in Switzerland, American University of Paris and Harvard, Boston, USA, during the years 1988-1991. 1994 I started the company Jon Sandman who became a well-known brand in the bedding industry. I managed with my life and had also

Tekno - Peace of Mind (Official Music Video)

#ziawinnie xxx

A Poem : Today

  Today. Today , I sharpened my spiritual knives to cut though all the bobbles of bad memories and desillution and meanwhile blood rushing fast in my vanes I scream silent out my hart pain in sorrow over my own stubbornness and foolishness because I never wanted to fall into love again. Though , I wish you were here so I could kick your sorry ass and take back all I gave and offer for love. Today ,I clean up my mind and remove all lie and deception you added though a long time I removing all love fore you in my heart just to make a safe place for someone new someone pure a true and faithful love. Though , I wish you were here so I could kick your sorry as and take back all I gave and offer for love. Today I wash away all scars from my hunted hart and try to get rite of hurtful words and feelings so I can make room in my inner space and continued going ahead without any trace of you and your doings. Though , I wish you were here so I could kick your sorry ass

Poem : Soft rain by Winnie Herloev

  SOFT RAIN Soft rain We all need We all like so take a hike on bear feet walking slowly meanwhile singing I'm singing in the rain I'm Happy again what a wonderful feelin it is to be loved and love again Suddenly in the Skye a face an eye ohhhh someone is waching from above is it magic of Universe or is it dark and fake Vision made by human hand I'm singing in the soft rain before I walk though life difficulties meanwhile singing I'm singing in the rain I'm happy again what a wonderful feeling that love rund though my heart and veins again Dear Universe You appear and I see the beauty in every Spector of you and me … 8:30 AM · Jul 18, 2023

Writing and Poems

  I love to write to and been doing it since ever. Time will be my witness xxx

Art by Winnie Herloev

I Love to paint and been doing it since 1989. I got public in 2004 and since I've been creating. This painting was a gift for #Rigshospitalet in #Copenhagen 2019 named #Eguavoen. xxx #Ziawinnie xxx #Art #X